Research Papers
Explore selected journal articles, publications and abstracts from a variety of sources on topics related to maternal and infant health in Georgia. Some resources listed do require a subscription or membership to access. This selection covers from 2000 through today.
Medicaid Reimbursement Policy Options for Expanding Access to Long-Acting Reversible Contraception at Federally Qualified Health Centers
Authors: Medicines360 ; Health Management Associates (HMA) ; Waxman Strategies
Unbundling Reimbursement for Long-Acting, Reversible Contraception at Federally Qualified Health Centers: A Case Study of Georgia Medicaid’s Experience
Authors: Medicines360 ; Health Management Associates (HMA) ; Waxman Strategies
Community contextual effects on at‐risk mothers’ engagement in Georgia’s Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting programme
Authors: Cho, Junhan ; Bae, Dayoung ; Terris, Darcey ; Glisson, Rachael ; Brown, Anita
Implementing Group Prenatal Care in Southwest Georgia Through Public–Private Partnerships
Authors: Grant, Jacqueline ; Handwerk, Katherine ; Baker, Karen ; Milling, VaLenia ; Barlow, Sharonda ; Vladutiu, Catherine
Trends and Factors Associated with Breastfeeding and Infant Sleep Practices in Georgia
Authors: Salm Ward, Trina ; Kanu, Florence ; Anderson, Alex
Association of High Outdoor Temperature and Full-Term Birth Weight in Georgia, USA, 2000-2006
Authors: Yin, Ping
Partnering of Public, Academic, and Private Entities to Reestablish Maternal Mortality Review in Georgia
Authors: Lindsay, K., Michael ; Goodman, L., David ; Csukas, E., Seema ; Cota, E., Pat ; Loucks, E., Tammy ; Ellis, E., Jane
An Evaluation of the Addition of Critical Congenital Heart Defect Screening in Georgia Newborn Screening Procedures
Authors: Rentmeester, Shelby ; Pringle, Johanna ; Hogue, Carol
Race and ethnicity and preconception folic acid supplement use among pregnant women in Georgia, PRAMS 2009 to 2011
Authors: Mukhtar, Ayesha ; Kramer, Michael R ; Oakley, Godfrey P ; Kancherla, Vijaya
Stakeholders views on the strengths and weaknesses of maternal care financing and its reform in Georgia
Authors: Shengelia, Lela ; Pavlova, Milena ; Groot, Wim
Georgia Maternal and Infant Health Research Group (GMIHRG): Mobilizing Allied Health Students and Community Partners to Put Data into Action (2016)
Authors: Adrienne D. Zertuche, Bridget Spelke, Zoë Julian, Meredith Pinto, Roger Rochat
Bridging the Gaps in Obstetric Care: Perspectives of Service Delivery Providers on Challenges and Core Components of Care in Rural Georgia (2016)
Authors: Meredith Pinto, Roger Rochat, Monique Hennink, Adrienne D. Zertuche, Bridget Spelke
Bridging the Gaps in Obstetric Care: Perspectives of Service Delivery Providers on Challenges and Core Components of Care in Rural Georgia (2016)
Authors: Meredith Pinto, Roger Rochat, Monique Hennink, Adrienne D. Zertuche, Bridget Spelke
Obstetric Provider Trainees in Georgia: Characteristics and Attitudes About Practice in Obstetric Provider Shortage Areas (2016)
Authors: Elizabeth A. Smulian, Leilah Zahedi, Julie Hurvitz, Abigail Talbot, Audra Williams, Zoë Julian, Adrienne D. Zertuche, Roger Rochat
Working Towards Safe Motherhood: Delays and Barriers to Prenatal Care for Women in Rural and Peri-Urban Areas of Georgia (2016)
Authors: Erika Meyer, Monique Hennink, Roger Rochat, Zoë Julian, Meredith Pinto, Adrienne D. Zertuche, Bridget Spelke, Andrew Dott, Pat Cota
Quality Rated Childcare Programs and Social Determinants of Health in Rural and Non-Rural Georgia (2016)
Authors: Nancy Webb, Madison Gates
Maternal Exposure to Ambient PM2.5 and Term Low Birthweight in the State of Georgia (2015)
Authors: Claudia Twum, Jianmin Zhu, Yudan Wei
Infant Safe Sleep Interventions, 1990–2015: A Review (2015)
Authors: Trina C. Salm Ward, Giselle M. Balfour
Prevalence and Characteristics of Bed-Sharing Among Black and White Infants in Georgia (2015)
Authors: Trina C. Salm Ward, Sara Wagner Robb, Florence A. Kanu
A Report on the Impact of Lactation Consultant Services and Breastfeeding (2015)
Authors: Debra Kibbe, Bo Feng, and Angela Snyder
Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy and Failure of the Georgia First Grade Criterion-Referenced Competency Test (2013)
Authors: Jia Feng, Michael Kramer, Bridget Dever, Anne Dunlop, Bryan Williams, Lucky Jain
A Spatial-Temporal Analysis of Low Birth Weight Prevalence in Georgia, USA (2013)
Authors: Jie Tian, Wei Tu, Stuart Tedders, Dongmei Chen
What New Mothers Need to Know: Perspectives from Women and Providers in Georgia (2013)
Authors: Julie A. Gazmararian, Safiya George Dalmida, Yesenia Merino, Sarah Blake, Winifred Thompson, Laura Gaydos
Obstetric Provider Maldistribution: Georgia, USA (2011)
Authors: Bridget Spelke, Adrienne D. Zertuche, Roger Rochat
Very Low Birthweight Births in Georgia, 1994-2005: Trends and racial Disparities (2011)
Authors: Anne Dunlop, Hamisu Salihu, Gordon Freymann, Colin Smith, Alfren Brann
Infant Mortality and Social Environment in Georgia: An Application of Hotspot Detection and Prioritization (2010)
Authors: Tse-Chuan Yang, Brian McManus
Social and Economic Determinants of Infant Ill Health in 159 Georgia Counties: A Comparison Study (2009)
Authors: Angela Peden, Alison Scott, John G. Peden
Infant Mortality Trends Among Georgia’s Residents, 1995-2003: Targeting Healthy People’s 2010 Goals (2007)
Authors: Diana Sturges, Laura Gunn, Padmini Shankar, Shrikrishna Shroff
Circumstances of Pregnancy: Low Income Women in Georgia Describe the Difference Between Planned and Unplanned Pregnancies (2007)
Authors: Laura Gaydos, Carol Rowland Hogue
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Reported Maternal Smoking During Pregnancy (2006)
Authors: Tushar Shah, Kevin Sullivan, John Carter
Maternal Characteristics Associated with Place of Delivery and Neonatal Mortality Rates Among Very-Low-Birthweight Infants, Georgia (2002)
Authors: Julia Samuelson, James Buehler, Dianne Norris, Ramses Sadek
The Prevalence of Socioeconomic and Behavioral Characteristics and their Impact on Very Low Birth Weight in Black and White Infants in Georgia (2001)
Authors: Cynthia J. Berg, Lynne S. Wilcox, Philip J. d’Almada
Georgia’s Breastfeeding Promotion Program for Low-Income Women (2000)
Authors: Indu Ahluwalia, Irene Tessaro, Laurence Grummer-Strawn, Carol MacGowan, Sandra Benton-Davis