Doula Integration and Awareness Project

This project aims to raise awareness about the invaluable contributions of doulas and their potential to significantly enhance maternal care outcomes. By seamlessly integrating doulas into the hospital care team model, our aim is to foster collaborative, patient centered care, ultimately increasing the likelihood of positive maternal and infant health outcomes.

Multifaceted Educational Series

HMHBGA is committed to using evidence-based practices to improve care for underserved communities. Join our workshops for continuing education, featuring a diverse multifaceted educational series of virtual and in-person presentations for clinical providers.

If interested in joining or learning more, please email

Educational Resources

Navigating Cultural Competency on Types of Perinatal Support

This resource is meant to provide guidance on navigating perinatal support that respects cultural traditions and needs. The toolkit helps families understand available care options and find providers who honor their cultural backgrounds. By offering knowledge on culturally competent care, it aims to enhance your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience, ensuring you feel supported and respected. Cultural competence involves healthcare providers understanding and working effectively with diverse cultural perspectives, respecting values, beliefs, and traditions to improve health outcomes and foster trust.

Doula Do’s and Don’ts

This resource is meant to provide guidance on the scope of practice for doulas.