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Know your Rights/Share Your Story: Workplace Accommodations

Know your Rights/Share Your Story: Workplace Accommodations

Join HMHBGA, A Better Balance, and the members of the Georgia Coalition for Pregnant Workers (GCPW) for a discussion on how to improve workplace accommodations for pregnant and nursing moms, including the Pregnancy Workers Fairness Act.

During the event, we will:

• discuss reasonable workplace accommodations for pregnant and postpartum mothers
• explore barriers to employment opportunities such as lack of reasonable accommodations
• and more importantly, provide a safe space for you to share your experiences and hear from others as we work towards creating healthier working environments for pregnant and postpartum people.

Did you know? About 70% of Georgia women of child-bearing age are in the workforce. Yet, there are no state-level laws in Georgia that guide workplace accommodations for employees during the pregnancy and the postpartum period. Currently, 30 states nationwide have instituted legislation to ensure women have access to such accommodations.

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to Jun 9

Webinar: Save Babies with Us

A Guide to Talking to Expectant Parents about Fetal Movement Monitoring

Count the Kicks is a highly effective, evidence-based, stillbirth prevention campaign. Developed as an early warning system for moms, it currently saves 1 in 3 at-risk babies in Iowa. Monitoring fetal movements helps expectant parents get to know what is normal for their baby and know when to speak up if they notice a change.

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Hyperemesis Gravidarum Webinar
to Jun 9

Hyperemesis Gravidarum Webinar


Hyperemesis Gravidarum is a clinical diagnosis for pregnant women and birth givers that is characterized by severe nausea, weight loss, and dehydration.

Join us for an one-hour webinar as Katrina Johnson, MSN/Ed., RN C-EFM leads a workshop on what Hyperemesis Gravidarum is and how it can cause adverse effects on an individual and their baby.

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WPA Webinar

Join HMHBGA, 9to5, and A Better Balance for a discussion on how to improve workplace accommodations for pregnant and nursing moms, including the Pregnancy Workers Fairness Act.

We will discuss:

• reasonable workplace accommodations for pregnant and postpartum mothers
• barriers to employment opportunities such as lack of reasonable accommodations
• and more

About 70% of Georgia women of child-bearing age are in the workforce. Yet, there are no state-level laws in Georgia that guide workplace accommodations for employees during the pregnancy and the postpartum period. Currently, 30 states nationwide have instituted legislation to ensure women have access to such accommodations.

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Webinar: Education for Women’s Health: Making Strong Recommendation for Vaccines in Healthcare Practices

Webinar: Education for Women’s Health: Making Strong Recommendation for Vaccines in Healthcare Practices


Join us for a one-hour webinar as Carol Hayes (CNM, MN, MPH, FACNM) facilitates a healthcare professional-focused workshop on immunizations in the maternal health field. Educating Physicians In their Communities (EPIC®) was launched in 2000 to provide private physicians with free, quality immunization education. The program ensures the availability of current requirements and recommendations to the ever-increasing number of immunizations. The mission of EPIC® is to improve the health of children, adolescents, and adults through practical, community-based, quality medical education to primary care providers, medical and office personnel.

The webinar’s objectives are the following:

-Discuss three reasons why it is important to provide vaccines at OB/Gyn practices

-Interpret the Adult Immunization Schedule -Make a strong recommendation for vaccines in pregnant women -Summarize the most recent CDC recommendations for storage and handling of vaccines

-State a plan to incorporate vaccines into the workflow of the practice

-Assess an immunization financial analysis


Those who attend and complete post-webinar evaluation are eligible for a 1 hour CE credit.

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Oral Health & Pregnancy Webinar

Oral Health & Pregnancy Webinar


Join us for a one-hour webinar as we discuss the importance of oral healthcare during pregnancy. This webinar will be hosted by Dr. Adam Barefoot, DMD, MPH, who will review:

  • How oral health impacts overall health

  • Basic knowledge of oral health physiology and disease process

  • Role of medical providers in the fight against oral disease

  • How to engage patients in behavior change related to their oral health

  • The appropriate response for your practice

  • Resources to help empower you and promote oral health

This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the Georgia Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

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Preventing Maternal Deaths: 10 Clinical Diamonds [Webinar]

Preventing Maternal Deaths: 10 Clinical Diamonds [Webinar]


Join us for a one-hour webinar in collaboration with the Georgia Perinatal Association as Dr. Daniel P. Eller reviews the 10 Clinical Diamonds of mortality prevention. Developed in 2012, the 10 Clinical Diamonds identify repetitive mistakes that account for maternal deaths. Participants will be able to–
-identify recurrent errors in clinical management associated with increased risk for maternal deaths
-suggest protocols to address these issues

This activity has been submitted to Georgia Nurses Association for approval to award contact hours. Georgia Nurses Association – Approver is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation


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2020 Legislative Session Overview (Webinar)

2020 Legislative Session Overview (Webinar)


The 2020 Legislative Session Overview is a one-hour training on the 2020 Georgia legislative session. This webinar will feature everything you need to know about legislation surrounding infant and maternal health in the state of Georgia. If you’re a birth advocate, healthcare professional, or simply a concerned community member, you don’t want to miss this training!

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[Webinar] Late Preterm Infants (LPI)

[Webinar] Late Preterm Infants (LPI)


Join us for a webinar with Heather Wyrick, BSN, RNC-NPT, RNC-NIC, CLC  as she discusses late preterm infants (LPI). The webinar will cover the identified risk factors associated with Late Preterm Infants, including:
respiratory distress, thermoregulation, hypoglycemia, jaundice and feeding challenges. Participants will also discuss discharge of the LPI and supporting the parents. The webinar will further examine the role and education of nurses on late preterm infants and their families. Participants will be able to:

  1. Define late pre-term infant

  2. Identify risk factors associated with the late pre-term infant

  3. Review parent discharge education/support


This webinar is in partnership with the Georgia Perinatal Association.

This activity has been submitted to Georgia Nurses Association for approval to award contact hours. Georgia Nurses Association is accredited as an approver of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

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Online Prenatal Education

Online Prenatal Education


Out of an abundance of caution and care for our community and Georgia moms during the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, our prenatal education classes are now being held online! As always, our classes are a judgment-free zone to ask questions about pregnancy, baby care, WIC, Medicaid, insurance, staying healthy, and more!

Join us for a 90-minute course and get everything you need for a happy, healthy pregnancy. There is no fee and the course is open to any child-bearing person who is currently pregnant or has given birth within the past 6 months.

The class will be hosted by: Nikki Reeves, ICCE, ICBD, PMH-C.

This event will occur every Monday during April.

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Online Prenatal Education

Online Prenatal Education


Out of an abundance of caution and care for our community and Georgia moms during the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, our prenatal education classes are now being held online! As always, our classes are a judgment-free zone to ask questions about pregnancy, baby care, WIC, Medicaid, insurance, staying healthy, and more!

Join us for a 90-minute course and get everything you need for a happy, healthy pregnancy. There is no fee and the course is open to any child-bearing person who is currently pregnant or has given birth within the past 6 months.

The class will be hosted by: Nikki Reeves, ICCE, ICBD, PMH-C.

This event will occur every Monday during April.

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Online Prenatal Education

Online Prenatal Education


Out of an abundance of caution and care for our community and Georgia moms during the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, our prenatal education classes are now being held online! As always, our classes are a judgment-free zone to ask questions about pregnancy, baby care, WIC, Medicaid, insurance, staying healthy, and more!

Join us for a 90-minute course and get everything you need for a happy, healthy pregnancy. There is no fee and the course is open to any child-bearing person who is currently pregnant or has given birth within the past 6 months.

The class will be hosted by: Nikki Reeves, ICCE, ICBD, PMH-C.

This event will occur every Monday during April.

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Prenatal Education Webinar

Prenatal Education Webinar


Out of an abundance of caution and care for our community and Georgia moms during the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, our prenatal education classes are now being held online! As always, our classes are a judgment-free zone to ask questions about pregnancy, baby care, WIC, Medicaid, insurance, staying healthy, and more!

Join us for a 90-minute course and get everything you need for a happy, healthy pregnancy. There is no fee and the course is open to any child-bearing person who is currently pregnant or has given birth within the past 6 months.

The class will be hosted by: Nikki Reeves, ICCE, ICBD, PMH-C.

This event will occur every Monday during April.

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Breastfeeding Accommodations in the Workplace [Webinar]
to Jun 14

Breastfeeding Accommodations in the Workplace [Webinar]


While Georgia has a breastfeeding initiation rate on par with nation and in line with the 2020 Healthy People goals, there is a steep decline in continued breastfeeding between initiation and the first six months, with only 57.6% of infants still breastfeeding for the entire duration of the recommended minimum of six months. The decrease in breastfeeding rates throughout the first 12 months of life may suggest that women are not receiving the social, political, and/or physical support they need to continue breastfeeding. Approximately, 60% of mothers stop breastfeeding before they originally intended. Some reasons for early discontinuation may include: returning to work, lack of support in the workplace, issues concerning modesty, and lack of access to professional breastfeeding support.

Join us for a one-hour webinar in collaboration with the Georgia Perinatal Association and the Georgia Breastfeeding Coalition to review existing federal and Georgia-specific legislation on breastfeeding accommodations in the workplace. Claire Eden, IBCLC (Georgia Breastfeeding Coalition), and Sarah Brafman, JD (A Better Balance) will discuss the gaps and issues with the current legislation and the need for updated legislation. The webinar will examine the impact of these policies on Georgia’s working women and their infants.

Participants will be able to:

1. Provide evidence of increased knowledge by stating at least one federal policy on breastfeeding accommodations in the workplace.

2. Provide evidence of increased knowledge by stating at least one state policy on breastfeeding accommodations in the workplace.

3. Provide evidence of increased knowledge by stating at least one gap in the current federal policy on breastfeeding accommodations in the workplace.

4. Provide evidence of improved performance by stating at least one way in which these policies impact the role of nurses and the populations they serve.

This activity has been submitted to Georgia Nurses Association for approval to award contact hours. Georgia Nurses Association – Approver is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation


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What’s Missing: Exploring and Responding to Gaps in Prenatal Education Across the State of Georgia [Webinar]

What’s Missing: Exploring and Responding to Gaps in Prenatal Education Across the State of Georgia [Webinar]


Quality prenatal education is an often overlooked health education intervention for improving birth experience and outcomes. Research shows that prenatal education can be used as a tool to empower patients and impact outcomes. Prenatal education has the ability to educate women on vital signs and symptoms, encourage them to seek medical attention, and can increase their likelihood of following medical advice.

In 2018, HMHBGA conducted a research study to determine the referral practices of providers for prenatal education & the content offerings of prenatal educators across the State. The study found that as few as 10% of women in the surveyed region participated in any form of prenatal education. This webinar will review the results of this study and take participants through a toolkit that educators can use to ensure women receive the necessary information for a healthy pregnancy.
Participants will be able to:

  • Summarize the gaps in prenatal education across the state of Georgia

  • Explain the purpose of Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition of Georgia’s Evidence Informed Toolkit for Comprehensive Prenatal Education

  • Describe how educators can best use this toolkit.

This activity has been submitted to the Georgia Nurses Association for approval to award contact hours. Georgia Nurses Association – Approver is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

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Optimizing Postpartum Care (Webinar)

Optimizing Postpartum Care (Webinar)

Are you familiar with the latest guidelines on postpartum care? Join us for a one-hour webinar in collaboration with the Georgia Perinatal Association on optimizing postpartum care. Alexis Dunn, PhD, CNM will take participants through the May 2018 update of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’ Committee Opinion Guideline. The update, Committee Opinion Number 736, seeks to redefine the postpartum OB visit and emphasize the need for “fourth trimester” care and support.  Participants will be able to:

  • Summarize the latest ACOG Committee Opinion Guideline Number 736.

  • Explain the implications of the clinical guidelines for women and families.

  • Explain the impact of these recommendations on the role of nurses.

  • Summarize how these recommendations can be implemented in a variety of practice settings.

This activity has been submitted to the Georgia Nurses Association for approval to award contact hours. Georgia Nurses Association – Approver is accredited as an approver of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

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Evaluation of Cervical Length for Prediction of Spontaneous Preterm Birth (Webinar)

Evaluation of Cervical Length for Prediction of Spontaneous Preterm Birth (Webinar)

Nationally, 1 in 10 babies is born prematurely, making up 9.6% of births in the U.S. In 2017, Georgia ranked 5th highest in the US for preterm birth rates. Studies have shown there is a predictive relationship between the risk of preterm birth and cervical length, yet not everyone may be fully aware of national and international recommendations regarding cervical length screening.

Join us for a one-hour webinar in collaboration with the Georgia Perinatal Association as Dr. Daniel P. Eller reviews the impact and consequences of preterm birth, discusses the challenges in predicting the risk for spontaneous preterm delivery, and disseminates techniques and recommendations regarding the use of cervical length screening as a predictor of preterm births.

Participants will be able to:

  1. describe the impacts of prematurity

  2. explain the challenges in predicting the risk for spontaneous preterm delivery

  3. explain the evidence for cervical length screening (universal trans-vaginal ultrasound to screen for risk of spontaneous preterm delivery).

This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Georgia Nurses Association – Approver, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

Register today!

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Community-Engaged Approaches to Maternal Mental Health (Webinar)

Community-Engaged Approaches to Maternal Mental Health (Webinar)

Please note that the date of this event has been changed to 5/20/2019.

In this month’s webinar, we will review perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, its prominence among mothers– especially black mothers– in Georgia, and gaps and shortages in mental health services during the perinatal period. Join Natalie D. Hernandez, Ph.D., MPH and Danette McLaurin Glass as we explore how community-based participatory research can be an effective intervention to address these gaps.

With this webinar, participants will be able to:

1. Describe community-based participatory research (CBPR)
2. List the benefits and strengths of using a community based participatory research approach
3. Discuss disparities in Black Maternal Mental Health
4. Demonstrate CBPR through an example of a CBPR Black Maternal Mental Health Project
5. Identify ethical issues related to maternal mental health disparities research

This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Georgia Nurses Association – Approver, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

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2019 Legislative Session Overview for Maternal and Child Health Professionals (Webinar)

2019 Legislative Session Overview for Maternal and Child Health Professionals (Webinar)

The 2019 Legislative Wrap-Up is a one-hour training on the 2019 legislative session. This webinar will feature everything you need to know about legislation surrounding infant and maternal health in the state of Georgia. If you’re a birth advocate, healthcare professional, or simply a concerned community member, you don’t want to miss this training!

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Essential Oils for Pediatric Patients and Breastfeeding Mothers (Webinar)

Essential Oils for Pediatric Patients and Breastfeeding Mothers (Webinar)

Join us for a one-hour webinar in collaboration with the Georgia Perinatal Association to explore essential oils and it’s benefits for pediatric patients and breastfeeding mothers. Our presenter will be Kelly Grummer-Smith MSN, APRN, FNP-C, IBCLC. Attendees will be able to:

  1. Define essential oils

  2. Demonstrate knowledge about the safety of essential oil usage in the breastfeeding mother

  3. Demonstrate knowledge about the safety of essential oil usage in the pediatric patient

  4. List oils that are contraindicated for use in the pediatric patient

  5. Outline and summarize current research on the use of essential oils and the pediatric patient

  6. Examine current ongoing clinical trials using essential oils as a complementary therapy

Pending (1) Nursing Credit. Register Here

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Maternal and Childhood Immunization Update (Webinar)

Maternal and Childhood Immunization Update (Webinar)

Join us for a presentation by experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), who will present the latest recommendations for pregnancy and infant vaccines, national vaccine coverage rates, and challenges with increasing vaccine uptake.  Learn how to answer common questions from pregnant women and parents of young children and where to find free CDC educational resources for clinicians and consumers.  Speakers include Dr. Candice Robinson and Ashley Brooks from CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD).


By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  • Describe recommendations for vaccination during pregnancy and infancy/early childhood

  • Discuss challenges related to achieving high vaccination rates

  • Identify and use CDC educational resources for clinicians and consumers

 *Nursing Credit Applied For 

Candice Robinson, MD, MPH – Medical Officer, CDC/NCIRD

Dr. Robinson received her medical degree from Wayne State University School of Medicine and completed her residency training in Pediatrics at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. She completed a General Academic Pediatrics fellowship at Vanderbilt University, during which she obtained her Masters of Public Health. She is currently a medical officer in the Immunization Services Division, within CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD).  In her current position, she serves as the CDC lead for the Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule Work Group of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), and provides immunization education to providers.


Ashley Brooks, MPH – Health Communication Specialist, CDC/NCIRD

Ashley Brooks is a Health Communication Specialist serving as the lead for the Adult and Maternal Immunization Communication Campaigns at the CDC in the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases (NCIRD). She previously worked on seasonal influenza communications in CDC/NCIRD. Prior to her time at CDC, Ashley has experience with diabetes management programs and breastfeeding health. She has a Master’s degree in Public Health from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

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